Twelve miles north of Reno and beyond, the north valleys offer affordability and a wide range of properties. Several neighborhoods such as Golden Valley, Silver Knolls and Lemmon Valley allow for horses. Neighboring planned Unit Developments typically consist of mostly newer, often practical homes. If you don’t mind the drive, head up Red Rock Road to see homes sited on 10+ acres. Newer commercial activity offering a wide array of goods and services has improved this area’s livability. Again the affordable nature of this area is a big attraction. First-timers (yes, I bought my 1st home here) or those looking for amenities such as a large lot or 3 car garage at a reasonable price should consider this neighborhood. Local tip: The North Valleys are generally around 1,000 feet higher in elevation than Reno. While this may not sound like much you will see cooler temps and more snow than the folks in town.

2010 Census Data: 89506

Population: 38,379
Median Age: 31.3
Education, Bachelor’s Degree or Higher: 15%
Yearly Median Income: $57,901
Average Home Sales Price 10/01/2014 – 10/01/2015: $205,677