Smart Millenial Uses Down Payment Assistance for New Home

(NewsUSA) – Until this summer, Matt Berna had an unusual tradition: Every year, he moved to a new apartment. After doing this for 9 years, the 27-year-old inside sales professional decided enough was enough. “Yeah, I’ve been moving since I was 18,” says Matt, “and I was getting sick of it. I’m really good at packing…

Seniors Housing Developers Embrace Intergenerational Living Trends

As the industry eagerly anticipates the arrival of baby boomers, intergenerational housing models are emerging as an attractive alternative for a group that wants a different type of retirement experience. Developers, operators and owners are tweaking time-tested intergenerational arrangements and trying new approaches. Mixing different age groups has benefits for everyone involved, experts say. It’s…

Home Improvement Projects That Build Equity

How do you build equity in a home while simultaneously enhancing your everyday life? By making home improvements that add value to your property. Not only will improving a home allow you to build equity quickly and efficiently, but it will also make your life more comfortable on a daily basis. Of course, you don’t…

10 Things To Do When Renting a Home

Renting certainly comes with its fair share of advantages. For one, tenants don’t have to worry about making necessary home improvements to the property. They also aren’t responsible for paying expensive property taxes on the rental. In addition, renters have the option to pick up and move at the end of their lease term, giving…

Different Mortgage Types Explained

So you’ve found the home of your dreams and are ready to move forward with an offer. Congratulations! Now, all you need to do is secure a home loan from a lender in order to purchase the house. Of course, if you’re a first-time homebuyer, navigating the confusing ins and outs of obtaining a mortgage…

Things to Consider Before Buying an Old House

There’s something to be said for the charm and craftsmanship that buying an old house brings to your life. There’s also something to be said for the inevitable (and expensive) mishaps that could be lurking behind any corner or wall. Yes, purchasing an old home has many benefits, but it also has its fair share of what-ifs…

What’s it like to live in Reno, NV?

Although it often plays second fiddle to Las Vegas, Reno, Nevada, may be the more attractive option for those considering a move to the Southwest for a number of reasons. Perhaps most importantly, there’s much less sin associated with this city: Despite the fact that Reno was built on the gaming industry, it’s very easy…